there's i

i am the 1

in binary

i am an electron

a quark

i only exist to know

to love

and there's me

me is a forest floor

teeming with fungi

insects and plants

a supercluster of brain cells

a symphony of electricity

a laundry list of mistakes

and idiotic jokes

me loves countless things

people, animals, stories

but me is who i exist to love

to smile at in the mirror

even if me doesn't feel it

to support and encourage

to slap away the daggers

and the blows

that me inexplicably



points inward

and i will

because no matter what me does

the mistakes

the embarrassments

the worldly supernovas

rupturing the supercluster

in the dark late at night

i am the 1

the electron

the quark

who exists to know one thing

to love


it was just called "poem 1"